Special Elements
Functional Assessment forms function differently than Case and Visit forms. Such as LEFS, NDI, etc.
Multiple Choice Block 1 (C, V)
The multiple-choice blocks allow you to create a list of multiple-choice questions with each of the answers having an associated score. In this example, the user was instructed to rate the difficulty associated with an activity, in this case Lying Flat. The question is Lying Flat, and the answers are 1-5 and 9. These answers also happen to have the same score value as their counter text label.
Putting several of these together with a couple of labels and a computable label gives you a questionnaire that can be scored.
Multiple Choice Block 2 (C, V)
Multiple Choice Block 2 is identical in function to 1 except the layout is different. The question in MCB1 is laid out above the choices. In MCB2 the choices are laid out beside the question. As shown below:
Barcode (C, V)
The Barcode element is in development. It is intended to identify the specific instance and page of a form. We hope to make further use of it in the future. Feel free to include it on your forms.