Jump to Section [Add Contact] [Edit Contract] [Per Diem]
The Contracts module allows you to enter fee schedules for various carrier groups. The Contracts module screen shows a list of Carrier Groups that currently have a contract assigned to them. This helps to answer the question How do I know I'm getting paid correctly? There are two places where payment-related contract information can be viewed.
- When Posting. To Learn More Posting Module
- By Running a Contract Report.
Add Contract
If the Carrier Group for whom you wish to add a contract is already listed then select that Carrier Group, right-click and select Add Contract; otherwise select Add Carrier Group.
You will set the contract duration and then the type of contract. Fee Schedule contracts allow you to enter an expected payment for each charge item in your fee schedule, whereas Per Diem contracts are entered as one amount per visit.
Alert: Please note that contracts may not overlap in their duration.
If you have selected Fee Schedule you will be presented with the Edit Contract dialog as shown below.
Edit Contract
This grid allows you to enter rates for each of your charge codes. You may also add additional codes if desired. You are also able to edit the start and end date from this dialog.
Tip: For example, you may wish to enter a 97110-59 and specify a contract rate for it that is different from the standard 97110. Even though the 97110-59 is not in your fee schedule, when the 97110 is entered with -59 as an additional modifier, it will be detected and shown with the correct payment amount.
Per Diem
The Per Diem contract entry is much simpler and will only ask you to enter a single per visit amount.