Fusion Enterprise's stock alerts are set to trigger when a patient is checked in on the schedule. Most will automatically display a pop-up to the triggering user (the user who checked the patient in). Often times they will also create a Task for users that have certain User Positions such as Titles of "Front Desk", "Office Manager", etc. Please note that User Positions are separate from User Roles. User Roles (Admin | Users) handle the permissions of what a user can do in the system. While User Positions (Admin | General Info | Users/Therapists | User Positions) indicate a position Title and main Location for a user. These often impact what tasks a user will see by default.
Alerts can be modified to go to different or additional users as needed. You will simply need to edit the Action items in the Alert itself. See below on how to do that.
When editing an Alert to create additional tasks/popups, use these steps:
1) Go to Admin | Alerts | select Alert | right-click Edit | click "Next" until you get to Actions.
2) Select any Action | right-click Clone (never use Add).
3) Select the cloned Action and right-click Edit
4) Action: choose "Add Task" or "Display Message" from drop-down
5) Target Types:
-Choose "Special" for either Case Therapist or Visit Therapist
-Choose "Therapist" for a specific therapist's name only
-Choose: "Title" for a User Position Title (i.e. Front Desk, Office Manager)
-Choose: "User" for <triggering user> (whoever checked in the patient), or a specific user's name
6) Target: choose the specific Target from the drop-down (changes depending on what you selected from the "Target Type" drop-down).
7) Select "Next" to have this new Action added to the list.
8) Click "Finish" when done editing this Alert.