Check these things (A1 is most likely the issue, so try that one first):
A1: In Charges & Documentation: Does the Visit Date/Time (on the left-hand panel) match the Visit Date/Time that shows on your note?
If not, then this eval was opened and then the Front Office moved the appointment, breaking that link. If they're the same, take a look at the patient's Visit Summary tab in their case. If they had a deleted visit at the same date/time, then your note is most likely, linked to the deleted ones. To resolve, you can use the Move Form function from within the patient's Attachments tab or in the Charges & Documentation screen. This will allow you to pick a new visit for the patient.
NOTE: if the note is already signed, you won't be able to move it. So, right-click on the Note and Open an Unsigned Clone, save & close it without signing, then right-click on the unsigned note and select Move Form. Select the correct DOS from the drop-down menu. Once it's moved, you can sign the note. Finally, you can delete the original note, if you'd like.
A2: Does your evaluation contain all the pink complexity boxes and do they give you a valid CPT code result before the signature?
If not, you may need to fill out a Worksheet Complexity form for either OT or PT. If they do, the result may be corrupted. You can Open an Unsigned Clone and remove the info in the pink boxes and re-add before signing and saving.
NOTE: Keep in mind, you will need to delete previous (incorrect) versions of the eval so that the system is sure to be looking at the corrected, most recent eval. *The system will always look at the earliest version of the note with the same date of service.
A3: Is your eval classified as a Treatment Evaluation?
To test, in Charges & Documentation: change the Attachment Class drop-down to Treatment Evaluation and note if the eval stays in the list or disappears. If it disappears, change the Attachment Class back to <All-Treatments> and then select the form and right-click Reclassify (choose Treatment Evaluation).