Fusion Enterprise understands that billing is a critical function of any practice. As such, we have ensured that you can run all of your practices billing through Fusion Enterprise and make it as easy as we can. This series of introductory articles will cover the important aspects of managing Transactions with Fusion Enterprise.
Introduction to Menu Options: Apply Patient Payments
Apply Patient Payments allows you a quick and easy way to apply patient money. Patient Payments can be applied to any DOS with an invoice state at Bill Patient or a DOS that includes non-insurance billable charges. Patient payments may be applied to all DOS at once or just the selected DOS.
The figure below shows a DOS that is ready for patient payment application.
This DOS has a $187.00 balance that this due by the patient. Choosing Apply Paitnet Payment > To Selected Visit will bring up the reason dialog.
After entering the reason for applying the patient payment, the transactions to be applied will appear in a preview pane for your review. Clicking OK will add these transactions not the date(s) of service. Cancel will close the window without applying the patient payments.