About Measurement Blocks
The Measurement Block element contains a series of measurements that allows the user to enter in one or two measurements and display those measurements, as in a Flow Forward situation, alongside the new measurements. This way you can see the Previous and Current measurements side by side to show progression.
Note: All items on a form are Elements. These are listed in the Toolbox on the left-hand side in the Form Designer.
This element also contains a Header, a (non-modifiable) Title bar, and a Comment line at the bottom. The measurement Label(s) for each measurement may be pre-defined, such as "Cervical Flexion" or blank to be entered by the therapist when treating. These labels can also be set so that they are editable or non-editable.
The element has two different MeasurementTypes (set in the Properties panel) that correspond to the states of the measurement element. Lateral Wide (when only taking one measurement, like a Cervical ROM) or Bilateral (when you need a Right and Left measurement like a Hip ROM).
Measurement Types |
Example: LateralWide |
Example: Bilateral |
Note: Unlike other elements, Measurement Blocks are already set to Flow-Forward and Rollup. For this reason, you will receive an error if you try to save a form with a Measurement Block that does not have a tag.
Anatomy of a Measurement Block
Modify Measurement Block Measurements (e.g. Labels / Tests)
- Select the Measurement Block on the form (in Form Designer) that you want to edit.
- Then in the Properties panel on the right, under Data select Measurements (Collection)
- Click the ... (3 dots) to bring up the Measurement Collection Editor.
- Select the Member you wish to edit and select Edit (on the Right) and then click the ... (3 dots) which will bring up the Measurement Designer.
- Here you will type in the Name (Label) of your measurement.
- If you would like the therapist to be able to type over the Name with a different name, then you will check the box for "User Modifiable". This will be indicated by the background color being a light grey color (as opposed to white).
- Under "Values" you will enter your list of Measurement values, one per line. The default will be marked with a "?" in front of it. This provides a drop-down list to choose from, but your therapist will also be able to free type as well. (As shown above, the ? is followed by nothing, indicating that the default is nothing.)
Note: You will always need a minimum of a ? in the Values list. Even if you do not want any drop-down choices, you would still need a single ? to indicate that it will default to a blank line.
- If you would like the therapist to only be able to choose from the list and not free type in a Value, you would check the box "Restricted".
- Under Misc, if you want the entry restricted to only numbers, you would check the "Is Numeric" box.
- Once you are finished, you will click OK. You would repeat these steps for each Member you would like to Edit.
Note: Keep your Values short so that they can be fully displayed in the box. It is recommended to truncate any longer words. (Exp. "Moderate DIfficulty" would become "Mod Difficulty", or "Within Normal Limits" would become "WNL", etc.)
Add/Delete or Reorder Members in the List
- To add more measurements, click Add at the bottom left.
- To remove a measurement, select it (so it is highlighted in blue) and click Remove on the bottom right.
- To move a measurement up or down in the list, select it (so it is highlighted in blue) and click the Up arrow or Down arrow.
Note: Your measurement block needs to be big enough for all measurements to show. If your overall Measurement Block is too small, not all the measurements will show.
Edit a Measurement Block Header
- Select the Measurement Block on the form (in Form Designer) that you want to edit.
- Then in the Properties panel on the right, under Data select Header.
- Click into the box and type in the new Header name.
Note: To make the Header editable for the user, select HeaderUserModifiable and click the drop-down to True.
Edit the Measurement Block Comment Line
- Select the Measurement Block on the form (in Form Designer) that you want to edit.
- Then in the Properties panel on the right, under Appearance select ShowCommentLine.
- Click the drop-down to True or False (to show or hide the comment line).
Note: To change the height of the Comment line, select CommentLineHeight and enter the number of pixels (e.g. 16 is about 1 line high).
Include the Initial Measurement info on the Rollup
- Select the Measurement Block on the form (in Form Designer) that you want to edit.
- Then in the Properties panel on the right, under Misc. select EnableInitialMeasurements.
- Click the drop-down to True.
Note: This will only bring the initial measurements onto the Rollup. This will not show the initial measurements on the form itself.