Fusion Enterprise understands that managing all of your cases is a critical function of any practice. We have created Fusion Enterprise to not only be easy to use, but also allow any therapist to be able to sit down and with very little instruction be able to complete an evaluation or a daily note. We have designed the actual documentation to be as customizable as possible. This series of introductory articles will cover the essential aspects of the Charges & Documentation with Fusion Enterprise.
Charge List Tab
The Charge List tab presents you with a list of charge codes that are filtered by the Charge Category selector at the top.
When you initially set up your charge code list you were able to categorize your codes. Selecting a category filters the list to only show those codes.
To add a code to a visit, press the big button with the ‘+’ on the charge code.
This code will then show up on the right-hand list.
Alternatively, you can enter the code into the Charge Code box in the upper right and press the + button to add it to the list. This is a shortcut for those who know the CPT code number off the top of their head.